Sunday 6 February 2011

My Left Foot - notes

-Made in late 1980s
-Based on a true story of Christie Brown
-Movie won two oscars
-Daniel Day Lewis won the best actor award
-Brenda Fricka won an award
-Irish Director - worldwide success
-It's a biographical picture - historical

-Beginning starts with a foot - conveying the title- dark - some light- Christie Brown shown on a wheel chair - straight away illustrating a disabled person, wheel chair is a universal symbol for disability - heavy breathing - opera music turns on -straight after that the outside world is shown
-Belonged from a family not as caring except his mother who was very fond of him - he feels neglected by the other members of his family
-Shot goes to the present day -his carer starts reading a book - Christie appreciates originality
-At home - close with mum -feels safe and secure with only her -although he was very close with his mum, still shows family life was not ideal
-Fully disabled, mum carries him upstairs - shows care, love and affection
-Really fond of the mother - helps her virtually sliding down the stairs when she falls but the neighbourhood verbally abuses him and accuses him of making her fall - heartless, callous feelings towards him
-Father underestimates him all the time - thinks hes not intelligent just because he's 'cripple'
-People take advantage of him, kids in the neighbourhood hide a porn magazine under him when hes on the wheel barrow
-The prist comes over, biblical allusions - "you can never get out of hell" priest preaching to him - seems as if he's responsible for having the magazine when really it is the other children and in fact he gets wrongly accused because he is innocent.
-The priest coming over - shows strong faith in Christianity of the mother -Belief in heaven and hell - belief in life after death
-Mum:"Even if we can't understand you, God can" - strong belief in higher power - makes him feel that he's not alone, that someone is always watching over him and knowing what he is going through
-Father does not have a healthy relationship with children or family
-Christie keeps wanting to prove himself, this shows his determination of proving everything wrong - that he is not dumb and daft - that he does know things that other children know
-Christie chalks out 'MOTHER' on the ground - this shows that he is intelligent - also shows the love and affection he has for his mother because the first thing he writes all by himself, with his left foot is MOTHER - there is undoubtedly a strong bond between him and her - this is because out of everyone in the house she is the only one who really takes care of him
-When Christie shows his ability in just writing MOTHER - his father proudly takes him out for the first time and announces that he is his son - shows pride and honour - fatherly son love but also that he's achieved something
-Back to present day - even though he has independence as an adult but also significantly he is disabled - skill only using foot to do certain things around him- beginning scene -immediately tells us something is wrong
-Conclusion that Christie is suffering from Cerebral Palsy
-Attitude back in history towards disabled people - physically disabled and mentally disabled were, super cripple, laughable, burden and pity and sympathetic
-Medieval attitudes - priest almost things he is evil or sinister
-Back to present day - adult - he can speak
-Past - the boys in the neighbourhood feel protective over him - show a sense of friendship and brotherhood -let him take the ball- he shoots a goal- shows he's got skill and talent and the boys appreciate that
-Christie socialises so likes to be around people -conveys a feeling of trying to fit in
-"We had porridge for breakfast" -shows the family is not wealthy- living in bad conditions - poverty- therefore the father does not have the money to buy Christie's wheelchair either
-Christie gives the idea to other of how to get the coal - shows his level of poverty that they have to steal coal to warm the house in winter - fact that Christie comes up with a plan to obtain the coal shows he is super cripple, intelligent, mind thinks fast
-Disabled people are often seen as non sexual -but Christie does want to have a sexual life - society conveys and rejects the idea of a disabled person having or is able to have a sexual life
-"It is a sin to steal" - his mother is strict on biblical notions and shows anger to Christie, the fact that she says 'sin' and not a 'crime' shows what she values more, which is obviously religion and not so much of the law
-"£28" conveys the importance of Christie having a wheelchair - mother really values him
-Christie feels angry -gets out of control "I'll f*ckin kill him" shows his protectiveness over his sister when he sees her with a guy - he wishes to do a lot but evidently can't
-Christie reads -Dr Coleman wants to help him for free -specialises in cereable palsy
-19years of age -gets taken to the hospital for special treatment

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