Wednesday 16 February 2011

AQA Checklist

MEST4 Checklist

Research Essay:
- Does it allow candidates to explore the 5 Key Concepts? (Represenation, audience, narrative, media language/ideology-technical codes, Institution)
- Does it negotiate an issue and/or debate? Is it contemporary? Is there a list of text(s)? (Bibliography)
- Does it go beyond MEST3 topic areas? (Reps and new media) Is it synoptic?
- Does it answer the question ‘why’ rather than ‘how’?
- Does it encourage independent research and critical autonomy? Is it truly individual?
- Does it avoid the clich̩ Р(women in the media etc) Would it end up just being a list of facts?
-Critical debates, theories etc

Practical Production:
- What are the links between the essay and the practical?
- Will the practical exemplify issues raised in the essay?
- Does it go beyond the MEST2 artefacts? Is it independent of the MEST2 artefact?
- Have we even been given info about the practical?
- Is it substantial enough for an A2 exercise?
- Does it seem to be more than just an ‘add-on’?

CI title - An investigation into how and why humour is used in three contrasting viral advertisements which are, Mac vs Pc, Old spice *your man can smell like me" and Volkswagon "small but tough"

What needs to be done -
SHEP needs to be added in more detail
Critical debates and theories...
The key concepts have been relatively done however more detail is required.

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