Tuesday 13 July 2010

Teen representations - Critical Investigation - Teenage pregnancy

My mini linked production was based on teenagers bunking. Their views and how it may affect their education. Also the reasons as to why teenagers bunk. However, I decided to do my critical investigation on teenage pregnancy and the ongoing concern in relation to it.

Teenage pregnancy is a rising concern in todays western society. It is claimed that 'kids are having kids'. Before girls of young ages are able to look afer themselves, they have another life to look after. There have been many websites made to support this. If an individual does end up getting pregnant, there are many sources they can use to help them through the process. Because of this, I believe that teenage pregnancy has become so common that now it is fine to create such websites which therefore make it look normal.

The primary sources I will be using to discover more about this topic are...
Links on Youtube, The movie Juno and the reality programme 16 and pregnant. These media texts will be used to establish how teen pregancy has been represented throughout these different texts. My aim would be to see how teenage pregnancy has been interpreted through these different texts.

The secondary sources I will be using are...
Newspapers and the arguements portrayed based on teenage pregnancy. What different representatives have to say about it and how it is affecting the society.
I could also use surveys which have already been completed, to convey facts and statistics on teenage pregnancy. The higher the figures of teenage pregnancy the more concern there is.
I can also use different websites to get the relevant information I need regarding the issues on 'kids having kids'

These are some eye opening facts about teenage pregnancy:
- Despite the fact that the teen birth rate is slowly falling for years, there are still an estimated one million teen pregnancies in the US alone.
- Alfie Patten said to have fathered a child at the age of 13 with a girl aged 15. This raises moral panic and questions the fact that it is maybe because of the early sex education at school. Because children being aware of such things at an early age, they are growing up to think that it is 'normal'

I'll be using many facts and figures to do with teenage pregnancy. Also outlining representations of teen pregnancy in movies like, Juno or reality programmes such as 16 and Pregnant.

My critical investigation will begin with an introduction to the topic, following on with representations and facts and figures. Then finish off with a conclusion, summarising the problems, issues, concerns and arguements in relevance to teen pregnancy.

http://pregnancy.about.com/cs/teenpregnancy/a/teenpreg.htm - information on just US alone.
http://www.independent.co.uk/extras/the-big-question-why-are-teenage-pregnancy-rates-so-high-and-what-can-be-done-about-it-1623828 - The newspaper -Independent, has issues relation to teen pregnancy
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4584175.stm - BBC news article stating problems to do with teen pregnancy.


  1. a good and clear understanding of what you want to do and how you will segt about doing your critical investigation. Good work

  2. you have shown a clear understanding of primary and secondary sources however you might want to think about going in to more detail :-)

  3. Mahnoor this is really good. i understood this. it was very factual and you have got research from the newspaper - independent. i think this show that you have don't your reach properly. How can you talk about teenage pregnancy in general. how can you show this? e.g adverts, news report etc. how can you avoid a lot about teenager. maybe you could have some statistic to show this.

  4. interesting focus to talk about in your critical investigation..well done for recognising that secondary sources such as the independent newspaper will allow you to have actual figures to back up your argument...

    ebi: you find other secondary sources you might find useful to get information from...maybe you could look into actual news reports and see how they present the issue as a problem..

  5. I agree with the above comments. You have some clarity with regard to your mini CI plan. The issue as represented in the media both positively and negatively. Clear text examples to draw on across all three platforms (if you include the websites which offer advice etc.). This goes some way to being synoptic and could become an interesting exploration into a relevant issue.

    Think about how direct research either quantitive or qualitative could be used to support this. The potential for an LP with explores the same area is obvious....doc, drama, ads, website, magazine etc.

    The devil is in the detail with this and you would need to evince clear analysis of texts and concomitant exploration of current media theory and debate specifically focussed on SHEP.
