- Four colours stand out, are dominant. Red, white, black and orange. These colours give a sense of heat and warm weather. The yellow on black is very prominent, and on it is the image of a black baby.
- Cotton flowers connote the low profess
ion that farme
rs used to have, not even a PROFESSION - its a reference to slavery
- Black peculiar looking baby holding a watermelon - tropical fruits are common amongst Black Africans plus the baby looks happy which conveys that these fruits are most probably not ones that black people get to eat - suffering in poverty etc
- The head of the baby is overly large to alienate it, making
the baby look different as if it does not belong here
- No shoes on - stereo typical image of poor black child. Can't afford shoes, living in unstable conditions
- Exaggerated features of baby, looks excited over watermelon - piccini effect
- Circus like theme - writing and images themselves, show that a lot is going on, all at once
'Great Negro Actors' refers back to slavery - the word Negro was used in times of slavery of black people

Second poster of
- Black people both look jolly and happy which shows that their having a great, fun time
- The black man at front wearing white gloves perhaps conveys
that he is detesting white people because his hands are shaped in a way that shows he is stopping something
- The lips are overly exaggerated wearing a magician hat with 'waiter' like clothes
- The guy behind is wearin
g a Pool's guard clothes and has an exciting expression\
- It's almost as if the guy is trying to scare the audience in a funny and weird way
- White gloves connot
e a bit of unity between the black and white people? Gloves - hands - union- friendshipBig Ministrel Jubilee:

- Apparent, exaggerated features. Same white man playing the black man
- Made to look evil, harsh, alien and DIFFERENT - a sense of no belonging
- The red eyes connote danger - stereotype - black people are nuisance, a menace to society
Bracula - 1972:
- Revenge on white people
- Play on words 'BLAC'ula (dracula)
- Black man is made to look scary

- Made after civil rights (1940) but still is a mockery of black people
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